Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation - Student Evaluation for Internship Supervisor (host org) Form

TD School Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII) - Student Intern Evaluation Form

Thank you for providing a learning opportunity for a BCII student, hosting them for their Innovation Internship subject. This form asks for your feedback on the internship experience and the student's performance during their placement. Please note your feedback is shared with the student intern.

Student's Details

Supervisor's Details


Not ApplicableAlwaysUsuallyOccasionallyRarely
Displayed ability to organise and plan
Completed tasks in timely fashion
Completed tasks effectively and achieved defined goals
Critically evaluated quality of own performance
Worked well with others in the organisation
Clearly communicated ideas verbally
Clearly communicated in writing
Demonstrated initiative in conducting duties
Solved problems which arose
Not ApplicableAlwaysUsuallyOccasionallyRarely
Displayed appropriate basic knowledge
Learnt effectively on the job
Applied knowledge in a practical way
Not ApplicableAlwaysUsuallyOccasionallyRarely
Was enthusiastic
Was reliable and punctual
Was courteous and tactful
Was resourceful
Was able to adjust to situations
Not ApplicableAlwaysUsuallyOccasionallyRarely
Accepted tasks willingly
Actively sought and was alert to potential learning opportunities
Understood and followed organisation rules and policies
Accepted suggestions and criticism readily
Was able to adjust to situations
Was there any employment or further engagement outcome for the student intern?
TD School is keen to check in with industry to find out what they are looking for in future talent.
UTS participate in a number of national and global surveys throughout the year, enabling us to benchmark against other universities in categories including employability outcomes. We understand that internship experiences can at times lead to paid employment once the student graduates and would value your input into these important surveys. Should you wish to participate, your details will be shared with the external organisation/s conducting the research.

Thank you for completing the student evaluation form. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to future engagement.