Blog contributions

Blog contributions

Use this form to submit to the UTS Careers Blog.

Before submitting, please ensure you have reviewed our guidelines (here if you’re a UTS student, staff or alumni, or here if you’re an external contributor).

If you are not sure what to write about, consider industry-relevant advice, some of your own career experiences, or any inspiring work stories you may have.
If you have a completed draft, please submit a Microsoft Word file here.
Please write a 3-5 sentence summary of who you are and what you do, written in third person.
Please attach the photo you would like to use alongside your post. This must be a photo of the author of the post, have the author’s face clearly visible, and be in a professional style.
If you have been published elsewhere, please link to 3-4 examples of your previous work.

Please ensure you have reviewed our guidelines (here if you’re a UTS student, staff or alumni, or here if you’re an external contributor).

I understand that there is no guarantee my submission will be published and that what I have submitted is subject to editorial review.